The term e-learning stands for learning methods which are conducted by electronic media. The aim to initiate this project is to develop the self confidence of an academically weak student and make him believe in his inner strength and realize his potential. The acronym “Samarth” stands for “Smartness and strength analysis to motivate academically weak for rapid learning through highly efficient methods”. Before understanding how e-Samarth is any different, let us dwell deep into the prior existing learning ways and methods, which have been part of public schools but have been limited. Also these methods have not been able to achieve the expectations in the Govt. schools.
Upon visiting the government schools, there are few observations where we as a system are still struggling –
- The teachers are far away from the technology and are restricted to books and syllabus due to lacking or the nonfunctional resources. E.g. explanation of the working heart is limited to diagrams on the blackboards; the concept of travelling of light is limited to drawing lines on a sheet of a paper, motivation was bounded to the words only.
- Difference in the efficiency and caliber of students and teachers were found.
Smart classes: Smart classes are generally limited to advanced hardware and software, air conditioned classroom, better ambience and targeted to smart students who have already good grasping ability. E-Samarth is different
- In e-Samarth classes, the hardware and software used are only the idle lying IT infrastructure which has been made functional by the team of National Informatics Centre (NIC), Kurukshetra with the cooperation of Schools Authorities and Village panchayats.
- The target is the academically weak student who is de-motivated by the scores in his/her exams. This helps him to believe in his abilities and stand up against all the odds and raise his/her voice with confidence to show his/her strength.
- Also the appreciation for not only the accuracy is given but for the courage to face the problems is given in the form of small gifts items like pen, pencil, eraser, notebook, medals etc.
- District Kurukshetra is the first to hold 10 e-Gramsabha through WebVC with District Administration in E-SAMARTH room.
- Motivational Videos- to maintain positivity among the students and to motivate them.
- Career Counseling/ Study Plans
- Mathematics Tricks- The basic concept behind this component is to boost the confidence of the student by making him feel special with impressive tricks.
- Amazing Science- To make the mind of the student technical. To make the student analytical.
- Art/Craft & skills development- To improve the creativity among the students
- Sign and Symbol Awareness
- Technology & its future
- General awareness- Govt. Schemes, know world, India and Kurukshetra, famous personalities.
- Puzzles and Riddles.
- Ser-Sapata (Tourism and visiting places)
- General English
An online portal (embedded with the official website of District Administration, Kurukshetra) has been set up which focuses on encouraging children in schools. The main features of this portal are –
- The students can answer the corresponding questions from their syllabus (Class 6th to 10th) in the portal which would be graded for the first 25 attempted questions.
- A unique log-in ID has been created for the school, using which the students participate in the quiz.
- The students who participate in the quiz would also be given Participation Certificate.
- An idea for supportive and collaborative community encouragement has also been incorporated in the portal. The community members can sponsor various items for well performing students. The community members can choose from various listed items in the portal – Bicycle, Guitar, Boxing gloves, Badminton rackets etc.
Information Centre & Kiosk at Bus Stand Kurukshetra: A touch screen based information kiosk has been developed at Bus Stand, Kurukshetra providing the facility to enquire Bus timings for the buses departing from this Bus Stand. Bus Time table for any destination can be sent through SMS on mobile as well as on email ID. Kurukshetra Darshan Mobile App made available to the public moving through this Bus Stand Information centre. Information of Nearby pilgrimage destination is provided on this touch screen. City’s different location map are also provided on the touch screen.
“Kurukshetra Darshan Gallery” at Mini Secretariat, Kurukshetra has been designed and developed comprises with activities viz. Panoramic Views, 3D Art designs, Ancient Buildings, Archaeological sites, Educational Hub along with touch screen based digital photo gallery having full text/ video/ audio details available on all the iconic tourists/ religious destinations of Kurukshetra to promote the tourism and awareness of the holy city.
Moving towards Digital Connectivity and Surveillance, Kurukshetra Administration has installed 32 cameras at 12 major roundabouts in the City. National Informatics Centre has covered the whole city with HD Quality CCTV Cameras now. The live streaming will be monitored in the mini-secretariat by NIC and District Police. In addition to this, 5 selected roundabouts will offer free Wi-Fi internet access to residents and tourists. All 12 Spots’ CCTV Camera streaming will be available through a smartphone Android App to the designated observers. This app shall be made available to selected Govt. Departments for official and coordination tasks. In addition to the .gov and domains , free Wi-Fi will provide access to the websites of Kurukshetra University website and other government educational Institutions’ websites. The accomplishment for administration is that the free Wi-Fi will be very cost effective with minimum recurring cost and maximum facility to users.
To decrease the pollution and save the environment, District administration, Kurukshetra with support of National Informatics Centre, Kurukshetra has initiated the program to provide the cycle service to the citizens of the district. The project was launched by Hon’ble Food & Civil Supply Minister Haryana Sh. Karan Dev Kamboj at Kurukshetra on 12/06/2017. NIC has played a central role in Conceptualization, Planning, Finalization of Terms and Condition for District Administration, Finalization of Cycle Stands in the city Kurukshetra, Identification / setup of Registration Counter for Issuing of card, Tie up with vendor For issuing of RFCard and Designing of Webpage.

eCare Kurukshetra is a one stop solution for COVID-19 patient management. The app and web portal facilitates the medical team and administration to have a detailed view on the district’s current situation with respect to patients in different facilities and the response of health care infrastructure. The consolidated database of all patients in the app streamlines various other processes that are running in the district to support the pandemic management such as COVID Control Room, a dedicated call center for COVID-19
The Integrated Road Accident Database (iRAD) Project is an initiative of the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MoRTH), Government of India and is funded by World Bank, with objective to improve road safety in the country. To achieve this, establishment of an accurate and uniform road accident data collection mechanism from all over India, is required. For this purpose iRAD mobile & web application is developed. This is followed by training & handholding support to stakeholder departmental users through state / district roll out managers & master trainers. Beta version of iRAD application is being launched in 59 lighthouse districts of 6 pilot states i.e. Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh on 15th February, 2021. This will facilitate road accident data collection by 4 stakeholder departments Police, Transport, Highways & Health Departments following Standard operating procedure. Through collection of road accident data from all over the country, road accident database will be developed. The collected data will be analysed using different data analytics technique for identification of accident prone areas and causes of the accidents. The analysis output will be represented in appropriate dashboards, accessible to higher authorities of stakeholder departments and MoRTH. And accordingly strategy will be formed for reduction of number of road accident in India and enhance road safety.