


Adhaun – Village Overview

State : Haryana
District : Kurukshetra
Block / Tehsil : Thanesar
Gram Panchayat : Ahmadpur
Pincode : 136135
Area : 187 hectares
Population : 1,105
Households : 209
Assembly Constituency : Shahbad
Parliament Constituency : Kurukshetra
Booth No 115
BLO Name  Prince Kumar ,9813920433

About Ahmadpur

According to Census 2011 information the location code or village code of Ahmadpur village is 058582. Ahmadpur village is located in Shahabad tehsil of Kurukshetra district in Haryana, India. It is situated 28km away from sub-district headquarter Thanesar (tehsildar office) and 28km away from district headquarter Kurukshetra. As per 2009 stats, Ahmed Pur is the gram panchayat of Ahmadpur village.

The total geographical area of village is 187 hectares. Ahmadpur has a total population of 1,105 peoples, out of which male population is 596 while female population is 509. Literacy rate of ahmadpur village is 67.33% out of which 75.67% males and 57.56% females are literate. There are about 209 houses in ahmadpur village. Pincode of ahmadpur village locality is 136135.

When it comes to administration, Ahmadpur village is administrated by a sarpanch who is elected representative of the village by the local elections. As per 2019 stats, Ahmadpur village comes under Shahabad assembly constituency & Kurukshetra parliamentary constituency. Shahabad is nearest town to ahmadpur village for all major economic activities.


Krishan Lal
Mob. No. 9896230480

Gram Sachiv

Sandeep Kumar
Mob. No. 9671233265


Anil Kumar
Mob. No. 9671781593

Population of Ahmadpur (Click for More Info)

Particulars Total Male Female
Total Population 1,105 596 509
Literate Population 744 451 293
Illiterate Population 361 145 216
Total Voters 859 459 400